Life is a magical thing byVicky Hilton Starbright Wellness

I came into my spiritual life with a bang. It was a hot summer day fifteen years ago, and I was on my motorbike going for a ride to the beach with my family, when riding around the corner I looked up to see a car straight ahead of me. Where to go? I tried to slide my bike into the side of the car but ended up hitting the front wheel and being catapulted through the air.

I had always wanted to fly but not like this. But as I was flying a had a beautiful warm loving feeling come over me and I knew everything was going to be OK. As I hit ground I blacked out for a few seconds. I could not move due to pain but the car behind me had two registered nurses and the Ambulance soon arrived.

Two weeks later with a crushed vertebra, I was struggling with pain. I found a card from a lady that did Reiki. 15min on Deb’s table I was pain free. I had evidence-based learning but as I scientist I needed to understand how and why?I continued to learn Reiki to Master/Teacher level, crystal healing, colour healing to add to my Massage and Reflexology. I also had a keen understanding of herbs and aromatherapy and cream and ointment making.

Seven years ago, after a cancer scare and an ovary removed, my health started to go backwards with no medical explanation. I found a missing link in my health in my food. “Let my food be thy medicine” Hippocrates. I started another round of study and learning on the effects of our food on our health. I found that by changing my food, I was pain free within 3 weeks and within a year 17kg released with just understanding the foods that my body loves.

I now use my intuition, science, herbs, food to help people with wellness. I am a light spiritual being on an experiential journey of learning hoping to share my knowledge to encourage others empowerment with health and Wellbeing. I believe Self Love is an important part of our Health and Wellbeing. I am intuitive about healing then follow up with my science to help people get results in their health.

I offer healing, massage, foot reflexology and nutritional consultations. I love teaching and speaking in groups and retreats. I work one to one or in groups classes for the weight loss and Health improvements. I am now running zoom classes or consultations online but work in person in the beautiful Kaipara, Paparoa, New Zealand.

I am happy for people to contact me 021 24 84 259 or email Life is a magical thing. Vicky Hilton Starbright Wellness

Healing,- Mary Newton

To me every Spirit communication is a healing experience, I believe to be a healer you need to have a desire to help those in need.

Much of the hurt people carry around is buried so deep within that we are no longer consciously aware of it.   Connecting to spirit, who knows what and where the wound is and gently bring it to the surface so the healing process slowly can begin, helping the body to heal itself, remembering we are not medically trained and we cannot diagnose an illness or suggest any type of treatment.

To me healing brings comfort. The more healing you either do or receive helps in so many ways for emotional wounds, physical ailments and to get your life back on track. Some healers can pick up and see areas of the body that require work and send extra healing to that area.

There are several methods of healing, Laying on of hands, Reiki, Spiritual, herbal, magnetic, faith, auric, distant, colour and crystal plus many more.

Before any type of healing, I start with a quiet time to connect to Spirit, I call it "Sitting in the Power", then say a prayer stating intentions and commence the healing.  Energy healing is a special form of spirit contact in which the Healer calls on spirit physicians and chemist spirit healers to send healing energy through them to the person in need. This type of healing can be very powerful, and can relieve physical, emotional, and spiritual pain, sometimes immediately or over a period of hours or even days.

During the healing you concentrate on allowing the energy of the universe to flow into and through your hands and then be directed to the recipient. You usually just put your hands on the recipients’ shoulders, (after asking them if it is ok) you do not need to put them anywhere else on the body as the energy knows where it needs to go – close your eyes and just disappear inside of yourself. When the healing is complete you will become aware of your surroundings again. You do not have to do the healing for a long time – sometimes 10min is enough. Sometimes those you are sending healing energy to, will cry which is good this means something is being released Also, you may get messages for the recipient while you are healing. It is best not to give any messages to the recipient until the healing has been completed. You need to check they are happy to receive a message If you do more than 1 healing you may feel the previous energy is a carryover to your next healing and you may think you are still carrying on with the healing from the previous recipient, but in reality the new recipient you are healing, spirit could be working on the same or similar issue with them.

Absent healing is a healing energy you sent to someone who is not in the same room as you, They do not necessarily need to know that you are sending healing to them, but I have found it is more powerful if the person knows the when the healing is being done so they can sit or lie to receive the powerful energy If you use your own energy for healing you are using a magnetic healing this is a powerful source but disappears quickly When you use universal energy there is more power and the healing is stronger Healing is all about love with the highest and best intent, Spirit contact always comes in healing and in light Self Healing You begin by setting your intent, if possible, touch the part of your body that needs healing, if you cannot just visualize it. Ask for Spirit to send love and light to that part of your body. You can also focus on an emotional or relationship problem. If you need to, listen to some healing music – you may go to sleep, don’t worry the healing is still working – once completed say a prayer of thanks.   Ask and the universe will provide.


Be sure to check out Mary's bio and story on our new inclusion "Supporter's Stories".

Vicky's Hiltons Journey